Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Travel Grant Recipients


Haidar El Haq, SMarchS Urbanism

Reading the peatlands of the ex-Mega-rice Project in Central Kalimantan

Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

Catherine McNally, PhD Architecture

The Spatial Production of Sacred Geography in Early Medieval Anatolia: Syrian Orthodoxy and Tur ‘Abdin

Southeastern Turkey

S M Kaikobad, SMarchS Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture

Heritage at the interaction of Urban Gentrification and the curated image of the city heritage”

Old Dhaka, Bangladesh

Merve Akdogan, SMarchS Computation
Empowering Local Communities Through Analog Data : Resillient Narratives and Alternative Place-making
Hatay, Turkey
Hajar alRifai, SMArchS AKPIA
Building the Borderland: Placemaking, Politics, and Poetry in Nasib, Syria
Nasib, Syria
Ghida Anouti, SMArchS AKPIA
Bodies and Fruit: Ruminations on Life, Death, and Haptic Cinema
Beirut, Lebanon; Yerevan, Armenia
Maggie Freeman, PhD AKPIA
Architecture, Imperialism, and Nomadic Peoples during the British Mandate
United Kingdom
Mahwish Khalil, SMArchS AKPIA
Ravi’s Undulating Ecology
Lahore, Pakistan
Dhwani Mehta, SMArchS Urbanism
Documenting the Muslim Macchiyara Community of the Gosabara-Mokarsagar Wetlands
Tukada Gosa, Gujarat, India
Latifa Alkhayat MArch
Sasha McKinlay, MArch
On Coastal Resilience: 

Marine Agriculture in the Lombok Strait
Zachariah DeGiulio, MArch
Zanzibar Pizza Hut

Britain and Zanzibar
Jehanzeb Shoaib, SMArchS AKPIA
Mapping the Historic Palimpsest of Gwadar
Pakistan and Oman
Hampton Smith, HTC PHD
Insurgent Making: Craftspeople, Racial Capitalism, and the Atlantic World

Chicago, Washington DC and, Athens and Savannah, GA.
2021 no awards due to COVID19
2020 all travel cancelled due to COVID19
Alexandra Courcoula, AKPIA PhD
Understanding Antonis Benakis:
The Egypt Years

Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt
Reza Daftarian, AKPIA SMArchS
Ayeneh-Kari in Azerbaijan
Katherine DubbsHTC SMArchS
Jean Prouvé’s Maison Tropicales:
Archival Research, Interviews,
and ‘Site’ Visits

Paris, Nancy, France & London, UK
Amanda MerzabanAKPIA SMArchS
Toward a Feminist Reading of Beirut’s 
Modern Art History

Beirut, Lebanon

Rachel Hirsch, SMArchS AKPIA
Surface Archaeology in Burhanpur

Semine Long-Callesen, SMArchS HTC
The Invention of Nature and Culture in the Late Colonial Raffles Museum 

Malaysia and Singapore

Daniella Maamari,SMArchS AKPIA
Reviving Cosmopolitan Beirut


Ayesha Shaikh, SMArchS AKPIA
Neo-Mamluk Architecture in Germany during the 19th and 20th Century 

Courtney Lesoon, AKPIA PhD
Archival Research at Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, Médiathèque, Iconothèque et archives
Aix-en-Provence, France
Yusef Audeh, Master of Science in Art, Culture and Technology
Sahara Project Redux Treatment
Düsseldorf, Germany and Tunisia
Max Budovitch, MCP & Kelly Main, MCP
Differential Impact of Refugee Housing Programs on Beneficiaries and Urban Development in Lebanon
Sera Tolgay, AKPIA@MIT SMarchS
Planning for Scarcity: Community-Based Water Management in the Jordan River Valley
Suzanne Harris-Brandts, PhD DUSP
The role of architecture in transforming the public imaginaries of post-Soviet Baku
Francis Goyes, MCP
Refugees, Incremental Housing, and Shelter in the 21st Century
Amman, Jordan
Valeria Vidal Alvarado, MCP
Refugees, Incremental Housing, and Shelter in the 21st Century
Amman, Jordan
Dina El-Zanfaly, PhD Computation
Making to learn and learning to make
Karthik Rao Cavale, DUSP PhD
The Road to Dalit Mobility: Rural Roads and Caste Relations in India
Alpen Sheth, PhD DUSP
Is Disaster Insurance a Form of Planning?
Field Visit to Disaster-prone Areas in India

Jackson Davidow, PhD HTC 
Contemporary Art Practices and Discourses in Lebanon and Palestine
Beirut and the West Bank
Azra Dawood, PhD AKPIA 
Archival Research
New York City & Sleepy Hollow/Tarrytown
Allison James, SMArchS AKPIA
User Experience Analysis of Qutb Shahi Tombs
Hyderabad, India
Zachary Lamb, PhD DUSP
Climate Vulnerability and the Paradoxes of Flood Protection in Dhaka

Dhaka, Bangladesh
Kian Goh, PhD DUSP
Place in the Flows:
Ecology and Society in Jakarta

Jakarta, Indonesia
Michael Kubo, PhD HTC
The Incorporation of Architecture: Bureaucratic Modernism and Global Practice after 1945
Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah
Hala Malik, SMArchS AKPIA
Mapping domestic spaces of Lahore in the 1950’s
Lahore, Pakistan
Emily Williamson, SMArchS AKPIA
Understanding the Zongo
Processes of Socio-Spatial Marginalization in Ghana

Ghana, West Africa
Mariko Davidson, MCP DUSP
Promoting Walkable, Bikable Streets in Ahmedabad, India: Developing a Local Street Design Handbook
Jenine Kotob, SMArchS AKPIA
Three Learning Environments in Ramallah 
West Bank
Sofia Lopez, MCP
The Egyptian Labor Movement in the Republican Period and Beyond
Layla Shaikley, SMArchS AKPIA
Housing Displaced Iraqi Squatters: A Pre-Thesis Case Study
Shiben Banerji, HTC PhD 
The Internationalism of Eclecticism:
Walter Burley Griffin’s Lucknow Office
Stephen Kennedy, MCP 
City Development Strategies: Making Urban Investment Work
Hanna Rutkouskaya, SMArchS AKPIA 
Bukhara: The Case of Urban Amnesia
Alice Shay, MCP
City Development Strategies:
Making Urban Investment Work Design-based Planning Internship in Indonesia

Maryam Eskandari, SMArchS AKPIA
Social and religious spaces of women with in the Islamic Centers and Mosques in North America. 
Michigan, DC, California
Stephen Form, MArch
Strategies for the Post Squatter City
Huma Gupta, MCP
Transnational Spheres of Suffering:
The Role of AWRD in Transforming Syrian State Attitudes towards Trafficked Women.


S. Faisal Hassan, PhD HTC
Ottomans on the Aventine:
Piranesi’s Church of Santa Maria del Priorato.

(Travel not completed)
Bernadette Baird-Zars, MCP 
Developing Heritage: Constructed Visions in the
Decision-Making Process of Property Regulation in Aleppo
Charles Curran, MArch
Retrofit + Shrink-wrap Dubai // An Urban Rescovery Plan
Azra Dawood, SMArchS AKPIA
Archaeological Ambassadors-at-large
Chicago, New York
Igor Demchenko, HTC PhD
Ahmad Yasawi Mausoleum in Russian Empire: 1864-1917
Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan
Laura Lee Schmidt, SMArchS AKPIA
ln lhe Absence of Wonder: The Use of Medieval lslamic Toys 
Italy, Qatar
Zehra Ali, School of Engineering, Building Technology
Study of Innovations in Building Energy Efficiency in Northern Pakistan
Zameer Basrai, SMArchS AKPIA
A Study in Architectural Identity of Ismaili Philanthropic Institutions
in Contemporary Bombay

Nancy Demerdash, SMArchS AKPIA
Roads of Empire Past & Present:
Collective Memory & Modern Maghrib Identities in the Urban Form
and Space of French Colonial Villes Nouvelles

Christian Hedrick, PhD AKPIA
German-Austrian Influences in 19th Century Cairo
Anneka Lenssen
Fateh Moudarres and the Performance
of a Post-Revolutionary Art in Syria, 1963-1980

Presentation: Pioneers and Primitives: Painting from Syria, 1960-1970
Alexa Rosenberg, MCP
Managing Evolution in a Prominent African NGO: Lessons from Enda Tiers Monde in Dakar, Senegal
From Protest to Progress: Building Civic and Institutional Capacity
to Address Informality in Dakar, Senegal

Simon Schleicher, MArch III
Adaptive Toldo Systems – Revitalization of an Ancient Craft 
City above the City, Symbiotic Rooftop Communities in Old Cairo
Cairo, Stuttgart
Deniz TurkerSMArchS AKPIA
Ottoman Language Program
Anneka Lenssen, PhD AKPIA
Contemporay Arab Cultural Practices
Damascus, Syria
Nancy Odeh, DUSP PhD 
Towards Improved Partnershipts in the Water Sector in the Middle East: A Case Study of the Water Sector in Jordan
Amman, Jordan
(Travel not completed
Razan Francis, PhD AKPIA
Pre-Dissertation Survey in al-Andalus
Omar Rabie, SMArchS AKPIA
Auroville Rammed Earth Workshop:
The Potential of Compressed Earth Brick

South India
Sadia Shirazi, MArch
Ritual and Space in Lahore’s Inner City
Jigar Bhatt, MCP
Preservation of Threatened Islamic Architecture on the Island of Mozambique
Daniel Berry, MCP
Istanbul Now: A Tactical Survey of Transitional Urbanism
(Travel not completed)
Asra Aksamija, PhD AKPIA
Between Balkanization and Synthesis: Rethinking Boundaries of Religious Space in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Various countries in the Balkans
Pamela Karimi, PhD AKPIA
Americanizing Iran:
The Nature and Consequences of America’s 1950’s Mission in Iran
for the Improvement and Rationalization of Iranian’s Domestic Life

New York & Washington DC
Joe Dahmen, MArch
Moorish Bridges in Southern Spain
Amanda Ikert, SMArchS/MCP AKPIA
Cultural Ramifications of Nationalism Forced through Transmigration
Pamela Karimi, PhD AKPIA
Multiple Representations of the Female Body in Contemporary Iranian Art, Cinema and PressWashington, New York
Lisa Mosier, SMArchS AKPIA
Current Attitudes Towards Preservation and Representation
of Islamic Built Heritage

Afiya Ayo Whisby, BArch
Slave Fortress Architecture, Perpetuations of the Slave Trade and Relevance to the Current American Prison
Atlanta & Ghana
Ozgur Basak Alkan, MArch/MCP
Assesment of the Impact of Summer Olympics in the Host City.
Research contributes to her thesis Rethinking the Olympics in Istanbul
Athens & Atlanta
Danny Cherian, MCP 
Urban Water Systems and Medieval Islamic Urban Planning
Istanbul, Damascus & Samarkand
Lauren Kroiz, HTC PhD
Opa-locka’s architecture and its Arabia Nights Festival
Melanie Michailides, PhD AKPIA
Survey of Pre-Mongol Islamic Architecture
Leonardo Diaz-Borioli, SMArchS 
California’s Moorish Heritage Goes East
Spain, California and Mexico
Sarah Rogers, HTC PhD 
New Visions: Artistic Production and the First Intifada
Jordan & Lebanon
William Doss Suter, SMArchS 
The Cairo Artery, Transport, Housing, Hotel and a Bridge Over the Nile
(Travel not completed)
Lieza Vincent, SMArchS/MCP AKPIA
Rehabilitation in the Old City of Aleppo
Lebanon & Syria
Glaire Anderson, PhD AKPIA
Urban Development & Water Infrastructure in Umayyad Cordoba
Chala Hadimi, SMArchS AKPIA
Tomb of Ayatollah Khomeini, Tehran Mesjid-e Jame, Yazd
Michele Lamprakos, PhD AKPIA
Merchant Spaces in the late Medieval Mediterranean:
The Venetians in Aleppo

Amina S. Razvi, SMArchS
Women and Children’s Shelter in Mumbai, India:
Empowerment Through Local Industry

Turkey WorkshopYasmine Abbas, SMArchS AKPIA
Mostar, Bosnia
Marianne de KlerkSMArchS/MCP 
Historicizing the Landscape: Recovering the Aesthetics of the Alhambra
Bianca Maria Nardella, SMArchS AKPIA
Mostar, Bosnia
Panayiota Pyla, PhD AKPIA
Environmental concepts in the works of C.A. Doxiadis and Hasan Fathy
Syria and Greece
Sunitha Raju, SMArchS AKPIA
1999199819961995 Summer
Cairo ExcursionSummer 1998
Italy, Morocco & Pakistan 
Attilio Petruccioli conducted a one month fieldwork project with MIT students in the walled towns of Como, Italy and Essaouira, Morocco, in preparation for a studio on urban situations in historic contexts in fall, 1996.
Attilio Petruccioli brought a group of MIT students to Uzbekistan for a one month workshop to study the quarter of Gur Emir at Samarkand and the suk of Bukhara. The workshop became a studio problem in fall, 1995.
1995 March199419931989
Attilio Petruccioli and Goethert Reinhard brought students to Essaouira, Morocco for the Workshop, “Mapping Cities Through Typologies- A Workshop on Growing Small Cities.” The workshop focussed on the medina and the problem of the restoration and revitalization of old urban fabric.Adnan Zillur Morshed, SMArchS AKPIAChristine Pein, MArch
Pakistan Workshop
Tarek Kazzaz, SMArchS AKPIA